Sa oled siin
The Gramophone collection
- 38 steps: Mozart's Prague symphony
- Across the snow - covered fields...
- Adoration of the kingly child
- Adventures in Arabia
- Agony and the ectasy: Songs of Henri Duparc
- Airy and sure-footed
- American beauty
- Arnold Bax's Tintagel
- Bach's Goldberg variations
- Baptism of fire
- Beethoven's "Hammierklavier" sonata
- Beethoven's "Waldstein" sonata
- Beethoven's Diabelli variations, op. 120
- Beethoven's Eroica
- Beethoven's Fidelio
- Beethoven's Missa solemnis
- Beethoven's Ninth symphony
- Beethoven's Violin concerto
- Behind the masque: Purcell's The fairy queen
- Bel canto opera for the violin
- Benjamin Britten's Venetian swansong - his Third quartet
- Berlioz has a ball
- Berlioz's new-found purity and simplicity
- Bernstein's Mass
- Beyond the new world: Antonin Dvorak
- Beyound the impossible: Debussy's etudes
- Bohemian rhapsody
- Borodin's String quartet No. 2
- Brahms's Clarinet sonatas
- Brahms's Four serious songs
- Britten's Serenade for tenor, horn and strings
- Cathedral in sound
- Celebrating Kurt Weill
- Chaos instead of music?
- Charm and sarcasm: Prokofiev's violin concertos
- Chopin's Berceuse
- Clearest mirror of our age
- Controversial visions of a modern master
- Copland - the "unappreciated progeny"
- Cross shines forth
- Dark night of the piano
- Death and transfiguration
- Disquiet below the surface
- Divine discontent
- Donizetti's swell comedy
- Egyptian days: Handel's Giulio Cesare
- Eights wonder: Shostakovich's Eighth symphony
- Elegy of England
- Elgar's Symphony No. 1
- Elgar's Violin sonata
- Emerging triumphant from the flames
- Essence of Spain...
- Exotic tales of the Orient: Balakirev's Islamey
- Fable & fantasy
- Fallacy & fate
- Fantastical, dreamlike... and instrinsically French
- Fascinating rhythm
- Fatal attraction: Alban Berg's Wozzeck
- Finzi's Clarinet concerto
- Flow my tears
- For Constanze, with gratitude
- Forty voices
- Four seasons in one day
- From clandestine catholic ritual to anglican worship
- From despair, a work of genius
- From heaven to hell
- Georges Bizet Carmen
- Gershwin's Porgy and Bess
- Going up to Oxford
- Handel's Dixit Dominus
- Handful of dynamite
- Handsome stranger
- Haydn's Drumroll symphony No. 103
- Haydn's Symphony No. 48, "Maria Theresia"
- Heady & the hedonistic
- Heavy lies the head
- Humperdinck's Hänsel und Gretel
- Ice maiden cometh
- Imposing English hoard
- In Bach's footsteps
- In the beginning: Haydn's The Creation
- Jazz and Joie de Vivre
- Joseph to Jephtha
- Journey of life
- Joy, the grit, the backbone
- Korngold goes viral
- Lady of sorrows
- Lasting impressions
- Less is more: The music of Anton Webern
- Lord of the dance
- Love and jealousy
- Loveliest of rhapsodies
- Mahler's Des Knaben Wunderhorn
- Mahler's last love letter
- Mahler's most personal love song
- Making uncanny sense
- Man and superman
- Man apart
- Masonic magic: Mozart's Die Zauberflöte
- Mendelssohn's Violin concerto
- Messing with Monteverdi
- Method and madness
- Monteverdi's 20-minute burst of violence and emotion
- Mother's mourning
- Mozart's crowning masterpiece
- Mozart's Sinfonia concertante for violin and viola
- Music from heaven: Handel's Messiah
- Music from Latin America
- Music of an integral spirit
- Music of the night: Chopin's nocturnes
- Music sent from the heavens
- Nielsen's Fifth symphony
- Nielsen's Violin concerto
- Nocturnal dreams from a French master
- Nordic opera: Dark side of the earth
- Ocean of lust: Liszt's Mephisto waltz no. 1
- Ockeghem's Requiem
- Of love and revenge
- On the one hand: Ravel's left-hand piano concerto
- Open the shrine
- Opera to die for
- Operatic ecstasy on a plate: Richard Strauss's Salome
- Orchestral toy shop
- Out of the shadows
- Parisian pilgrimage
- Passion and euphoria
- Passion for our time
- Passion fused with a love...
- Pieces de resistance
- Portrait of revenge
- Portraits in piano
- Postcards from Paris
- Principal of chaos: The symphonies of Ives
- Probing a pristine half-tint world
- Propelling the symphony forwards
- Purged by cold, pure, spring water
- Rachmaninov's All-night vigil
- Rachmaninov's Etudes-tableaux, op. 39
- Rachmaninov's Rhapsody on a theme of Paganini
- Rachmaninov's romantic second
- Rachmaninov's Symphonic dances
- Rake's progress
- Requiem for the living
- Reviving Reynaldo
- Rhine's golden symphony
- Richard Strauss's Symphonia domestica
- Ride around the Rings
- Ringing the changes
- Roman festival
- Sailing into the music of the future
- Sailing too close to the wind
- Saint-Saens's Carnival of the animals
- Sanskrit symphony
- Scenes from a life: Bartok's string quartets
- Schoenberg's Moses und Aron
- Schumann's Second symphony
- Scottish soul
- Send in the clowns
- Shifting between humour, pathos and transcendence
- Shooting in the shadows
- Shostakovich's Symphony No. 10
- Sitting in judgement
- Sketches of Spain
- Son et Lumiere
- Songs of the night
- Sound good, feel good
- Spell of eternal charm
- Splendid mass fit for a princess
- Standing solo
- Stravinsky's Oedipus rex
- Strike up the band
- Summer nights: Berlioz's Les nuits d'ete
- Supersize Mahler
- Supreme example of head and heart...
- Surprise surprise
- Swooping and soaring: Delius's "veritable drama of love and death"
- Symphony for the common man
- Taking the third way
- The shadow & the light: Sir Michael Tippett
- To the memory of an angel
- To tintagel and beyond
- Torment and the throne
- Transcendent powers of music
- Tricky mix of irony and sincerity
- Triumph of purely musical means
- Troll's house: Grieg's music for Peer Gynt
- Troubled troubadour
- Un ballo unmasked
- Unanswerable question?
- Vaughan Williams's Dona nobis pacem
- Vaughan Williams's Fifth
- Verdi's Otello
- Very English Clarinet concerto
- Vision of the hereafter
- Wagnerian opera-comique
- Weighing anchor
- What passion cannot music raise and quell!
- Where life meets art: Bedrich Smetana's quartets
- Who are the heroes of Nielsen's "Eroica"?
- World laid waste
- World through an infant's eyes
- World's vastness
- Young Turk in Vienna
- Zealous prophet for today
- Zemlinsky's Lyric symphony