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Timepiece: This month in history
BBC Music Magazine
"English Mozart" dies aged 22 in boating tragedy
Arturo Toscanini is beaten up by fascist blackshirts
Beethoven celebrates a Napoleonic defeat
Beethoven documents pain...
Beethoven's tormented nephew pulls the trigger
Berlioz abandons murder...
Bruckner's Ninth gets a posthumous...
Cage bemuses New York with the sound of silence: August 1952
Chopin sails home from a miserable Majorcan break
Clemens Krauss sets off a Vienna New Year tradition
Composer Anton Webern goes out for a fatal cigar
Doctor Brahms indulges in some academic frivolity
Dvorak and his family...
Elgar lends his composing talents...
Ethel Smyth raises women's voices...
Florence Price's Symphony makes history...
For unto Ireland, Handel's Messiah is born in Dublin
Franz Liszt gives the world's first...
Georg Solti rounds off his monumental Ring recording
Gershwin gives the world premiere of Rhapsody...
Gilbert tells Sullivan...
Hindemith mourns the death of a British king
J. S. Bach is put in prison...
Love does not come...
Mendelssohn's Passion sparks a J. S. Bach revival
Mephistopheles endures a truly diabolical reception
Mozart and Clementi lock horns...
Mr. Preview has a word...
November 1760: Joseph Haydn and Maria Anna...
October 2008: Felix Mendelssohn stands...
Paul Robeson creates waves...
Prokofiev's Kije sleigh-rides through the Russian snow
Ravel finishes his Trio and prepares himself for war
Sad mental decline...
Schubert's Ninth symphony sees the light of day...
Schumann throws himself into the ice-cold Rhine
Sibelius's dissolute lifestyle...
Silent night enchants listeners...
Sydney's new opera house...
Tchaikovsky's "Pathetique" brings his life to a close
Vaughan Williams's Tallis Fantasia...
Vienna gives Bruckner's Third a wretched...
Vierne's Carillon chimes well with the Paris public