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Artikli pealkirisorteeri kahanevalt Autor Ajakiri
J. B. S. Singertalk: Schwarzkopf the teacher at 85 Steane, John Gramophone
J. S. Bach is put in prison... BBC Music Magazine
J. S. Bach: St. Matthew Passion Quinn, Michael Classic CD
J.B.S. Singertalk Steane, John Gramophone
J.B.S. singertalk Steane, John Gramophone
J.B.S. Singertalk: A Polish bass reached London via Dunfermline Steane, John Gramophone
J.B.S. Singertalk: The delicate business of bringing Caruso up to date Steane, John Gramophone
Jack Fisk Halligan, Finn Sight & sound
Jack Rose: Luck in the valley Mulvey, John Uncut
Jack White Allen, Matt Q
Jack White's 33 best songs Hughes, Rob Uncut
Jack White: Acoustic recordings 1998-2016 Mulvey, John Uncut
Jack White: Blunderbuss Gill, Andy Uncut
Jack White: Boarding house reach Anderson, Jason Uncut
Jack White: Hammersmith Apollo... Mulvey, John Uncut
Jack White: Islington Assembly Hall... Watts, Peter Uncut
Jack White: Lazaretto Anderson, Jason Uncut
Jack White: No name Watts, Peter Uncut
Jackie Lucca, Violet Sight & sound
Jackie DeShannon Thomson, Graeme Uncut
Jackie Lynn: Jacqueline Richards, Sam Uncut
Jackson Browne Scoppa, Bud Uncut
Jackson Brownie Irwin, Colin Uncut
Jackson C. Frank Wirth, Jim Uncut
Jacqueline Wilson, author Holloway, Amanda BBC Music Magazine
Jacques Becker: The elusive auteur Vincendeau, Ginette Sight & sound
Jafar Panahi: The green badge of courage Klinger, Gabe Sight & sound
Jah Wobble Pinnock, Tom Uncut
Jah Wobble Perry, Andrew Q
Jah Wobble Richards, Sam Uncut
Jaime Martin, conductor Holloway, Amanda BBC Music Magazine
Jaimie Branch: Fly or die... Gavrilovska, Ana Uncut
Jake Blount: The new faith Hughes, Rob Uncut
Jake Bugg: "I'm genuinely concerned..." Odell, Michael Q
Jake Heggie Stearns, David Patrick Gramophone
Jake Xerxes Fussell: Good and green again Deusner, Stephen Uncut
Jake Xerxes Fussell: What in the natural world Hughes, Rob Uncut
Jake Xerxes Fussell: When I'm called Trousse, Stephen Uncut
Jake's progress Moody, Paul Q
Jam goes on forever Scoppa, Bud Uncut
Jam: Setting sons Mulholland, Garry Uncut
Jam: Six years that changed Britain... Harris, John, Gilbert, Pat, Kessler, Ted Q
Jam: The gift: Super deluxe edition Lewis, John Uncut
James Bay Sutherland, Mark Q
James Bay: "This kid hit me..." Catchpole, Chris Q
James Bay: My 2016 Mason, Matt Q
James Bay: Rings out the old Moody, Paul Q
James Blackshaw: Unraveling in your hands Dale, Jon Uncut
James Blenning Bradshaw, Nick Sight & sound
James Blunt Catchpole, Chris Q
