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Artikli pealkirisorteeri kahanevalt Autor Ajakiri
I ain't marching anymore Dalton, Stephen Uncut
I always give my characters a past Nogueira, Rui Sight & sound
I always knew... Robinson, Peter Q
I always thought I would go on to be a lawyer Rees, Paul Q
I always thought rock'n'roll was a joke Chirazi, Steffan Q
I always try to be as thoughtful as possible... Pound, Jeremy BBC Music Magazine
I am a victim! Q
I am Belfast Johnston, Trevor Sight & sound
I am Claudio to everyone Jolly, James Gramophone
I am completely in love with Elgar's view... Morrison, Richard BBC Music Magazine
I am normal! Deevoy, Adrian Q
I am not a serial killer Johnston, Trevor Sight & sound
I am not going to write my memoirs! Nogueira, Rui Sight & sound
I am not madame Bovary Balsom, Erika Sight & sound
I am passionately interested... Kildea, Paul Gramophone
I am politically correct McGill, Hannah Sight & sound
I am quite jazz Patterson, Sylvia Q
I am the fly by Wire Uncut
I am the most bulletproof... Doyle, Tom Q
I am the Salmon King... stand back! Odell, Michael Q
I am what I am Mehr, Bob Mojo
I believe in Father Christmas Mulholland, Garry Uncut
I can be as sweet as you like or a bastard Kessler, Ted Q
I can be the nicest guy... Mitchell, Ben Q
I can cause my own trouble now Odell, Michael Q
I can hear music Simmons, Sylvie Mojo
I can hear Musik Harrison, Ian Mojo
I can put almost anything... Catchpole, Chris Q
I can see the monsters Cavanagh, David Q
I can't claim to be wise! Richards, Sam Uncut
I can't feel my toes! Harris, John Q
I can't quit you baby Haver Currin, Grayson Mojo
I can't stand the rain by Ann Peebles Thomson, Graeme Uncut
I cause the lightning... Spencer, Neil Uncut
I could have been a rock'n'roll star Richards, Sam Uncut
I could read the sky Barry, Kevin Sight & sound
I could use a hit Sutcliffe, Phil Q
I dabbled in heroin Harris, John Q
I demand a new record! Richards, Sam Uncut
I didn't choose to be the king... Bonner, Michael Uncut
I didn't think... Naughtie, James BBC Music Magazine
I don't believe in art for art's sake Romney, Jonathan Sight & sound
I don't belong, man! Gill, Andy Uncut
I don't care... Catchpole, Chris Q
I don't carry memories Gill, Andy Uncut
I don't dwell on the past Richards, Sam Uncut
I don't even have to put my trousers on! McEwen, Simon Q
I don't go on the rides... Stokes, Paul Q
I don't have time for sealing things in amber Bonner, Michael Uncut
I don't have to please anyone... Hann, Michael Uncut
